Management Services

Management Services

Andco is a full service management company.

What We Do

We rent apartments as necessary, do lease renewals, collect rents, pay bills, arrange for maintenance and cleaning that needs to be done, etc. When renting to a new tenant, they must complete a thorough application, and we then run a credit check, criminal background check, verify employment, and contact their current landlord. If approved, they must then sign a written lease and riders.

Fee Structure

We do not charge a separate fee for renting apartments, but if a rental service is needed to rent an apartment, you as the owner, do pay that fee to the rental service.

For our fee, we do all day to day work required to maintain your property. You can be as involved or uninvolved as you choose. The management fee includes all clerical work, but does not include the cost of repairs. Repairs are billed separately. We provide monthly statements, along with an annual statement that most people just hand over to their accountants at tax time.

Rest Easy

We have 24-hour emergency service for our tenants, as we are firm believers that addressing most problems immediately (such as leaks) saves money in the long term.
Chicago downtown aerial

Take the day-to-day burden of property management off your shoulders. Contact us today.

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